
Backgammon pc download
Backgammon pc download

Blocks are a point occupied by two or more checkers held for the purpose of hindering the opponent’s progress.Avoid blots, make points and build blocks.There are more detailed backgammon rules here, including a helpful video.There is no limit to the number of redoubles in a game. The other player may refuse the offer, but will concede the game and pay one point.

backgammon pc download

During the game, a player who feels he or she has an advantage may propose doubling the stakes.

  • Backgammon is played for an agreed stake per point.
  • Stake rules don’t apply to the online game, but are offered here for background.
  • Or, if the loser has not borne off any checkers and still has a checker on the bar or in the winner’s home board, the player is backgammoned and loses three times the value of the doubling cube.
  • However, if the loser has not borne off any of his checkers, the payer is gammoned and loses twice the value of the doubling cube.
  • If the losing player has borne off at least one checker, that player loses only the value showing on the doubling cube.
  • A doubling cube is a dice with 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 on it.
  • The game ends when a player has removed – or bourne off – all his or her checkers.
  • For example, if all of your pieces are in the last 5 spots and you roll a 6 then you can remove a piece from the 5th spot.
  • If all pieces are closer to the end of the board than the dice rolled then you can move the furthest out piece off the board.
  • When all of a player pieces that aren’t yet removed are within that players own inner table then a piece can be borne off whenever it is on a point whose number is thrown.
  • backgammon pc download

    Borne off means to remove a checker from the board according to a roll of the dice after all of the checkers have been brought into the home board. They are disallowed moving any other pieces while they still have a piece on the bar.

  • If a player can not place a bar piece into play then their turn is skipped.
  • It is put into play by entering opponent’s inner table on an open point whose number corresponds to the number on one or both dice.
  • A checker is entered by moving it to an open point corresponding to one of the numbers on the rolled dice.
  • If a player has one or more checkers on the bar, then the player must enter those checkers into the opposing home board when possible.
  • The “bar” is the raised ridge down the center of a backgammon board separating each players’ home boards from their outer boards. If an opposing checker lands on a blot, the blot is hit and placed on the bar.
  • A point occupied by a single checker is called a blot.
  • When neither number can be used, the player loses their turn.
  • Or if one number can be played, but not both, the player must play the higher number.
  • When only one number can be played, the player must play that number.
  • A player must use both numbers of a roll if possible.
  • 1 checker 9 points and another checker 3 points.
  • A roll of the doubles 3 and 3 means that the player has four threes to use and can move in accordance with the rule described above.
  • If a player runs a double, that player gets to play the numbers shown on the dice twice.
  • For example, if the dice rolls a 1 and a 5, that means the player can move one checker one space to an open point and another checker five spaces to an open point, or the player may move one checker a total of six spaces to an open point, but only if the intermediate point is also open.
  • The dice rolls indicate separate moves.
  • An open point is a point with no more than one opposing checker on it.
  • A checker may only be moved to an open point.
  • If you are unfamiliar with the rules of backgammon we published them below.
  • The game is straightforward for anyone familiar with the rules of backgammon.
  • This game replicates a traditional backgammon board game.
  • It can be a fun lighthearted game for kids to play against adults.
  • This game will appeal to both kids and adults.
  • If you are uncertain which checker you would like to move you can click on them to select them and see if they can move & where they can move to.
  • If you select the wrong checker, click on it again to deselect it, then select another checker.
  • The potential destination points illuminate when a checker is selected.
  • To move a checker, click on the checker to select it, then click on the destination point to move it.
  • If you roll numbers you can’t move, then your turn is skipped.
  • If you roll pairs you will get to move 4 times.
  • When it is your turn, click on the dice to roll.
  • Choose to play against the computer or against a human opponent.
  • Click on the wooden play button on the welcome screen to start the game.
  • backgammon pc download

    When you remove all fifteen of your checkers before your opponent and they have one or more checkers in your home board or on the bar, you win the game.

    Backgammon pc download